Thursday, October 31, 2019

Whole food study case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Whole food - Case Study Example gh it recovered and has started increasing its profits from an average of $300 million to $500 million, it has yet to clear its debts of over $700 million which were accumulated during the period mentioned above. There are several ways to solve this problem and ensure that even if the economy plunges again, they will have no debts accumulating on top of what they have now. The first way is to dispose of some of their assets which are not helping them much through selling them. This is bound to bring in a bit of money to offset the debt. The other way is to increase the number of shares to the public and this will raise money. It can also increase gradually the prices of their commodities especially now that people like the natural and organic products they sell. Even if the money will not repay all the debt, it will at least offset a large sum of money and the rest can be paid off slowly through the proceeds from the company. Thompson, Arthur, Margaret Peteraf, John Gamble and A. J. Strickland. Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Case study 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Case study 3 - Essay Example Medicaid incentive program is administered on a voluntary basis by both the state and territories (Hsiao & Hing, 2012). Eligible professionals have a chance of participating for a period of six years, until 2021, and it is not a must for participation years to be consecutive. Medicaid incentive program is suitable for UMUC Family Clinic for improvement of patient care as outlined in the meaningful use stage 1. The deadline for eligible professionals to start their participation is 2016; the clinic needs to concentrate on attaining the core and menu objectives and clinical quality measures (CQMs) requirements in order to receive incentives payments, of up to $63,750 under medical EHR incentive program for a period of six years (Hsiao & Hing, 2012). The program allows eligible professionals to receive incentive payments as a result of having successfully adopted, implemented or upgraded certified technology of EHR during the first year of participation as well as demonstrating meaningful use (Marcotte et al, 2012). In case the clinic will not be able to satisfy meaningful use, its profession practice will have to incur expenses of up to $21,250.00 in 2015. Medication process at the clinic will be entered using CPOE. The technology has proved successful in keeping record of medication details of over 30% patients. The clinic will rely on medicaid incentive to increase the number of medical entry of patients using CPOE. The clinic will rely on using certified HER technology to submit all permissible prescriptions recommended by eligible professions. The program will enable the clinic to improve on quality and safety as well as efficiency while attending to patients. Aggregate of numerator and denominator as well as exclusions will be provided to either CMS or the state by attestation electronically. The reported information reveals clinical quality measures being undertaken by the clinic. The report is necessary for the state

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Communitarianism: The Best Political Ideology?

Communitarianism: The Best Political Ideology? Political ideologies have developed over the decades and new political ideologies have been introduced into political theory and philosophy. Communitarianism is a recent development in political ideology that is viewed by many as a criticism of liberalism. It draws on ideas from previous schools of thought. It revolves around the community and the individuals comprising it, rather than the individual being at the center, which is what liberalism emphasizes. Although communitarianism is mainly viewed as a critique of liberalism, it draws similarities from other schools of thought such as conservatism and feminism. This paper will argue that communitarianism is the most suitable ideology for individuals due to its examination of individuals and their freedom through the sense of community in the society. To better show how communitarianism is more suitable, I will examine the context of individuals and communities presented in the communitarian thought and how it differs from the liber al and libertarian sense sense. I will then focus on the libertarian idea of distributive justice and the communitarian critique of it. Lastly, I will examine how communitarianism emphasizes the importance of social responsibility, which other ideologies lack, and how that responsibility achieves freedom and justice for individuals. Lastly, I will show how environmentalism can be advocated through communitarian ideologies. Thus, communitarianism coffers a better and a more improved ideology for individuals compared to other ideologies. First, it is important to address the issue of communitarianism being a school of thought. Communitarianism developed as a criticism to liberalism. Just like conservatism, it deals and identifies itself more through criticisms than with its own established ideals. Several people have argued that this is considered a weakness for communitarianism; that communitarianism fails as an alternative to liberalism, and that it doesnt define itself clearly or sufficiently.  [1]  However, as this paper will show, this is not true. Communitarianism is an ideology on its own, since it offers new ideas through its criticisms of liberalism. Furthermore, Mariam seems to draw from the liberal perspective in saying that there are many forms of communities and it is unclear what form communitarianism promotes.  [2]  This is also similar to a dilemma of communitarianism, which Kenny mentions, of whether communitarianism is an anti-liberal force or not.  [3]  But, unlike liberalism, it does n ot promote a universal ideal that predominates over all. It recognizes the differences in communities and thus depends on a particular society. It is an ideology which depends on particularity, rather than universality. Thus, communitarianism differentiates itself more on what it disagrees with in liberalism rather than proposing a new theory of political philosophy.  [4]   Communitarianism is defined as a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of community in the functioning of political life, in the analysis and evaluation of political institutions, and in understanding human identity and well-being.  [5]  It integrates individuals into political life through a sense of belonging and commitment to their community and the individuals within this community. Individuals are thus considered to be a part of a wider community and not an independent entity existing by themselves. Liberalism, on the other hand, is a doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics.  [6]  Liberals believe that governments should exist for the sole purpose of protecting the individuals from harm by other individuals. That should be the sole purpose for the existence of governments, since liberals are skeptic about any forms of government. This is due to the belief that governments of any sort are in them selves a threat to the people and their freedom, which can only be achieved if intervention was kept to a bare minimum and only for fundamental matters that would help promote and maintain individual freedom. From this stems a fundamental difference which is subject to debate: individuals and the government. Liberalism detaches the individual from the government and only considers individuals and how they can maintain their freedom. However, communitarianism criticizes this detachment and instead focuses on a sense of community amongst the people. This community allows for the people and the government to interact in a broader sense. Communitarianism not only criticizes this, but it criticizes the fact that Liberalism, in basing itself on the rights of the individual, has fundamentally misunderstood social life and has produced a political philosophy that is itself the cause of the problems with which we are beset.  [7]  Thus, Liberalism does not create any social order or any sense of a society by basing itself solely on the individual. Liberals and Libertarians have mostly argued for this need to look only at the individual. Right Libertarians (and Nozick in particular) have argued that the government should only use its power to maintain self-ownership rights and to protect individuals property. In The Entitlement Theory of Justice, Nozick argues in his theory of justice, that the holdings of a person are just if he is entitled to them by the principles of justice in acquisition and transfer, or by just rectification of justice.  [8]  Hence, he is critical of Rawlss idea of the redistribution of justice and wealth.  [9]  Nozick believes that anyone who earns something justly should not be held responsible for other individuals. Thus, if all property, for example, ends up with one person, then that does not call for taxation or any action. Furthermore, by using the Wilt Chamberlain example, Nozick shows how equality results into inequality through freedom. This means that people originally start by having complete freedom to make their own choices, but then they choose to give up that freedom. Th us, to redistribute Chamberlains or any justly earned wealth is a violation of peoples rights.  [10]   However, what Nozick is implying is injustice to the individuals themselves. If one person owns everything, then people will be reduced to slaves and work for that one person who owns all the resources, and they will not be free. Communitarians have criticized this libertarian idea of distributive justice and individual rights [because it] works to divide the citizens of the modern state against one another, thereby fostering isolation, alienation, and apathy rather than commitment to a common civic enterprise.  [11]  Thus, the sense of community and the freedom that it entails for the individuals of the society disappears. Libertarianism only focuses on individual rights as being the most important ones, which does not work, especially in pluralistic societies today, which need both individuals and the government to have responsibilities and rights, and not just a focus on one individual who claims they obtained something justly. It is difficult to assess what is just, which is another limitation to Nozicks argument. People can easily claim that they obtained something justly, even if they did not. Thus, a community needs to exist where all individual freedoms are guaranteed, instead of questionable individual rights. Communitarians draw heavily on conservative ideas about the importance of tradition [and society] in providing a coherent framework of values within which we can live.  [12]  Liberalism tends to focus on the individual for the individual and their right, but this is contingent upon cultural factors.  [13]  The society and culture in which individuals are raised in [are] important when determining their autonomy.  [14]  Consequently, Individuals cannot detach themselves from the society, because their individual rights are contingent upon their society and their surroundings. People are bound to society just as they are bound to family. As Finlayson notes of Oakeshott, conservative individuals prefer the familiar to the unknown;  [15]  a society with traditions where people are bound is more familiar than an individualistic society which seeks universalism. Yet, these traditions and values are not always concrete for people to attach themselves to. One evident criticism of conservatism is the fact that people do not always follow their traditions. People can just as easily detach themselves from certain traditions, which themselves are always changing and never remain the same. Fahad criticizes Scrutons argument by stating that one is born with the capacity to run ones own life, and with free will and volition to choose from an ethical or political framework to adhere to.  [16]  The fact that Scruton emphasizes the need for people to follow their society and the traditions as given, leave Scruton unable to even question the very liberalism that serves as the foundation for his ability to construct a philosophy in the first place.  [17]   Scrutons arguments for following the norms of the society are extreme. People are not just programmed to accept everything without questioning it or improving it. However, Fahad seems to argue that people can make their own choices and decisions based on their own free will, which is unlikely. As communitarians argue, people are influenced by their societies, and this influence plays greatly onto the choices that people believe they are making out of their own free will. People can have a freedom of choice, as he points out, however this will not emerge out of nothing. Even though people might think that they are making a purely objective decision, there is always some subjectivity that will come into play. Communitarians draw from the conservative thought the importance of traditions; however, people are not obliged to follow these traditions. They exist to unify the people and create a sense of belonging in the society. Furthermore, they affect the way people make decisions and how they essentially live their lives, as some traditions cannot be eliminated from peoples lives. This draws on Rawlss use of the veil of ignorance. This is an imaginary veil where people are in an original position where they know nothing about anything that defines who they are  [18]  . People are supposed to ignore these ideals and values and focus on remaining neutral and objective in order to make decisions that would benefit all the people. These decisions are supposedly right in that people reach them through rational and selfless thinking. Besides it being a difficult practical concept, it is also flawed. People cannot just assume that they know nothing about their lives and forget everything they are connected to. Their society and ideals will come into play at some point and it will influence their decisions. It is false to assume that a rational decision is a right decision just because it is rational. People cannot be fully rational, they will always have something affecting the way they think, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Therefore, communitarianism stresses on the importance of the society in individuals lives because the society shapes people and many things within the society can easily have an impact on them. Rawlss theory of justice through the veil of ignorance is thus inaccurate, because, as communitarians argue, the standards of justice must be found in forms of life and traditions of particular societies and hence can vary from context to context.  [19]  Furthermore, communitarians see the moral agency of making decisions always existing within the context of a particular structure of traditions and practices, manifested in the life of a community.  [20]   What communitarianism advocates (and conservatism lacks), is open discourse and an emphasis on social responsibility (which liberalism lacks). One way of emphasizing the importance of society for individuals is through the recognition of individuals roles towards their society. For communitarians, the preservation of individual liberty depends on the active maintenance of the institutions of civil society where citizens learn respect for others as well as self-respect.  [21]  This respect would lead to an appreciation of our own rights and the rights of others. Individuals will also obtain civic responsibilities and the development of self-government skills, as well as the habit of governing ourselves, and learn to serve others not just self.  [22]  Governments, too, will have obligationsincluding the duty to be responsive to their members and to foster participation and deliberation in social and political life.  [23]   The communitarian perspective, in a sense, mandates attention to what is often ignored in contemporary policy debates: the social side of human nature.  [24]  This social side shows how individuals and governments both have responsibilities towards each other. It does not only assume that individual rights are important, because as Scruton points out, by enlarging the space around one person it diminishes the space enjoyed by his neighbor.  [25]  It can be seen that communitarianism goes further than the conservative idea of following traditions; it emphasizes on the social aspect of the people and what the people want. It also criticizes the narrowness of liberalism by just assuming that only the individual matter and that the government is there to protect it from injustice only. However, it is not only a one way street; individuals have rights and responsibilities, which is important to realize. A focus is made on individual liberty, but that liberty is achieved with the s ociety, not as liberalism promotes it of being just a focus on one individual.  [26]   One could argue that the notion of civic responsibilities and virtue is that of republicanism. As Kenny points out, communitarianism has some distinctly non-liberal antecedents as well.  [27]  Also, writers of classical republicanism emphasize ideas such as the importance of civic virtue and political participation,  [28]  amongst other ideas. However, civic republicanism stresses the importance of independence from arbitrary power. Ideologies stress on the importance of the individuals being at the center, and the relationship with the polity in terms of rights and responsibilities between the two. However, republicanism draws on more liberal ideas of civic virtue and a polity made by the people. Communitarianism, on the other hand, focuses more on the importance of traditions and values in order to have civic virtue. It focuses more on individuals and their individual and social responsibility, whereas republicanism focuses on individuals responsibility towards other indivi duals only. However, both communitarianism and republicanism stem from an uneasiness with liberalism.  [29]  Both ideologies criticize liberalism for being guilty of an excessive or misguided emphasis on the rights and liberties of the individual that nurtures a socially corrosive form of individualism.'  [30]  Yet, as Dagger points out, how liberalism is flawed and how it should be fixed is what communitarians and republicans disagree not only with each other, but among themselves.  [31]   According to Kenny, Rawlss defines the self through the original position as imagined as the subject of social contract where the original position would serve to strip it from social and cultural attributes.  [32]  Communitarians question this individualistic self and how it can be said to exist prior to or outside social settings and communal attachments.  [33]  The existence of these settings leads to the development of the individual and his objectives. It is only a socially and intersubjectively constituted self [that] can plausibly be said to possess goals.  [34]  What liberals promote is a political society in which there are contracts made by sovereign individuals who are accorded a number of basic rights as well as the right of exit.  [35]  This just separates the individual and the state, with all the benefits going to individuals with nothing to the government. But, individuals, according to liberals, are not free if they do not have the free will to make their own choices, without any effects from the outside. According to Gaus and Courtland, Green mentions that individual is only free if they are self-directed or autonomous.  [36]  Their actions must be their own and not influenced by anything else. That is why Rawls stresses the importance of not including anything in the original position. This is a negative notion of freedom  [37]  , where people can pursue their own ends, and thus do not follow custom.  [38]  Another form of liberal freedom is what Vallentyne echoes of Berlin as negative freedom, to pursue ones interests without harming others through ones fundamental purposes.  [39]  Thus, it can be argued, that if the self was influenced by society, then this influence can limit if from being free. It can for example, constrain someone through certain traditions which might be false. People will thus be shaped by tho se traditions and unable, or unwilling, to break free from them and develop their own. Yet, liberalisms view of freedom, whether positive or negative, is both problematic. In the negative sense, people are allowed to do anything without any consequences or constraints to their actions. Likewise, in the positive sense, people are expected to know when to limit themselves and it is hard to assume all individuals are able to control infividuals. In the communitarian sense, people would have to include some part of their traditions and values to pursue their goals. Sometimes it is even helpful to have some guidance when making decisions. The self is thus, in the communitarian sense, both pluralistic and particularistic: many of the features of persons are shaped by the intersubjective values and traditions of the communities into which they are born.  [40]  Moreover, if traditions are false, people would draw from the surroundings of their environment to develop new beliefs that they believe is right; their own beliefs do not just exist. To illustrate, a community can exist where everyone smokes as a rule. A person who thinks that this tradition is false would refer to the harm it causes to people to develop his own belief. The issue of freedom is also related to multiculturalism. It deals with pluralistic societies, where the population may come from many different cultural backgrounds; and peoples are increasingly asserting their need for a state that recognizes this differentiation.  [41]  Although the self is pluralistic in the communitarian thought, it is hard to claim that these traditions in the community are pluralistic. As Young explains, seeking equality and ignoring differences would allow for the development of cultural imperialism by allowing norms expressing the point of view and experience of privileged groups to appear neutral and universal.  [42]  A view of a group as the other would develop. Although this is a critique towards the liberal idea of universalism and its claim of neutrality, it can also be critically examined through a communitarian perspective. Since communitarians emphasize the importance of traditions and values in a society, it can be difficult to agree on thes e traditions. Besides them being right or wrong, a society is at risk of having the traditions of on group to dominate over it. If, for instance, one community mainly practices one religion, it would be difficult to be neutral or to have the acceptance of the people if the laws and regulations rely on that religion. Thus, there would be no sense of community between the people and the government, but rather a responsibility to abide by laws that were set by a majority. Whether this is intentional by the people or not, it still entails that some would better be able to achieve their capacities than others. Even though communitarianism criticizes the liberal idea of a universalism and neutrality, Youngs argument entails that some groups in society might not be able to fully participate in the public sphere without abiding by the dominant thought. Since communitarianism does not in itself address the issue of multiculturalism and dominance, I believe that this idea of roles by the people and the society would entail that equality would be considered. As Caney would point out, one critique that communitarians make is that there is a meta-ethical claim emphasizing political principles should mirror shared understandings.  [43]  People should take into account the social responsibilities that they have, since it is not a one-way responsibility from the government, which would ensure that there should be some equality. However, Youngs argument is a valid one and is a worry to any political ideology, since in any society; there can always be a majority, regardless of whether it follows liberal or conservative ideologies. However, it is very hard to assess how this should be addressed. She argues that there should be a positive discrimination towards the minority groups. Yet, this is difficult in itself for two reasons. The first is that it is hard to choose which group is a minority. There are many factors like numerical and cultural, for example, that can be taken into account. Thus, there are more minority groups than those which exist today because there are people advocating for those minorities. The second is that where should we stop in giving these minorities rights, or to create one public sphere where are differences are recognizes. In the communitarian sense, some accommodations can be made to try and limit differences between groups. Lastly, the communitarian ideology can offer an argument for environmentalism. As Hayward discusses, environmentalism refers to the belief that environmental protection is a significant ethical, social and political value.  [44]  However, it is often ignored because it is viewed as a discrete [issue] for policy-makers to deal with.  [45]  Yet, from a communitarian perspective, it can be integrated as part of the social responsibility of individuals in relation to ecologism. The ecological argument of humans as a part of nature  [46]  shows how there can be a social responsibility from individuals towards nature because that would ensure that the society they live in is a safe one. However, from a liberal point of view, this responsibility would not exist as individuals would only consider what is best for them, even if that comes at the cost of nature and the environment. In conclusion, communitarianism was originally a critique of liberalism, but it quickly developed to be an ideology with its own unique ideas that are best towards individuals. It looks at individuals as being at the center, but at the same time, it also looks at the community being in that center. Although many of its critiques are towards liberalism and the idea of the individualistic self existing with universal ideals, communitarianism can be critically examined through different ideologies. It focuses on how Individuals and the government coexist together with both having responsibilities and rights that are preserved through the community. It draws on conservative ideas of having a sense of traditions and values that are maintained through the community. These traditions and what shapes people are important to how individuals make decisions in life, which is not done through the liberal objective sense. It also includes individuals into the political life, like republicanism, b ut this involvement is through the sense of the community and what is best for the whole community. Communitarianism also focuses on how individuals can obtain freedom through this interaction with the society, and not just by limiting themselves to their individualistic goals. Hence, communitarianism is the most suitable ideology for individuals because it preserves their freedom and offers a sense of community between all individuals in the society. Word Count: 3730 (with footnotes: 3924).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis Of Morality :: essays research papers fc

The Republicans Were Right, But –   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The sanctity of the oath† (Keillor 102), the controversial hot topic of this year. This is a subject that has sparked great debates not only to those in Congress, but among the American people as well. Some hold the oath as a promise of civility and humanity. On the other hand, others view the morality the oath is supposed to stand for as unreachable and unattainable. In my opinion Garrison Keillor sums it up in his essay, â€Å"The Republicans Were Right, But.† I feel this is a good essay based upon the author’s argument of morality, his use of symbolism, and the entire structure of the essay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rhetorical situation in any given essay or editorial contains three main parts: the author, the audience, and the medium. The author of this essay, Garrison Keillor, was born and raised in Anoka, Minnesota in 1942. As Mr. Keillor points out quite clearly in the first paragraph of his essay, he is a democrat. According to the Minnesota Public Radio home page, he hosts a weekly talk show on public radio called â€Å" A Prairie Home Companion.† He also hosts the â€Å"Writers Almanac,† a daily five-minute program. He is a frequent contributor to Time Magazine, and the author of ten books, including Lake Wobegon Days (1985). Keillor’s recording of Lake Wobegon Days received a Grammy award; he has also received two ACE awards for cable TV and a George Foster Peabody Award. In 1994, he was inducted to the Radio Hall of Fame at the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia). The intended audience for this essay is people that are interested in current affairs. The medium for this essay is TIME Magazine, a general news purpose magazine. Given the rhetorical situation, his argument appears to be very specific.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To argue is to attempt to convince a reader to agree with a point of view, to make a decision, or to pursue a particular course of action (Eschholz, Rosa, and Clark 429). In an argument there are three main elements: ethos, logos, and pathos. In ethos, the author tries to build his/her character to the audience. In this particular essay, Mr. Keillor does not build his credibility very well. The only information he reveals is that he is a democrat, which can be found in paragraph one of the essay. The details of Mr.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Literary Analysis of Tell-Tale Heart

A Doll's House was a controversial play in its time because of Ibsen's bold questioning of society's basic rules and norms. One of the most pressing questions in the play is that of the unequal treatment of women. Ibsen questions Is it right to treat women as inferiors? ‘ Through the relationship between Nora and Helmer, Ibsen presents unequal power sharing in a negative light, trying to provoke the audience into questioning what was accepted as the norm in that period. One of the subtler techniques used is Helmer's language and diction.He uses animal terms to refer to her, such as skylark' and squirrel'. This suggests that Helmer does not love Nora as an equal, and treats her like a pet'. Worse, he calls her his possession', as if she were a thing, not an individual with her own separate identity. This use of patronizing, demeaning terms highlights the social norm of treating women as inferior, and provokes the audience to question the validity of that norm. Moreover, for the larger part of the play, Helmer is portrayed as having the most power in the relationship.He controls all the money, and gives it to Nora as gifts. Nora's statement that she has lived by performing tricks' and by being pretty and charming, makes the audience aware of the demeaning, unethical aspects of inequality, and again questions the validity of this social norm, which, unfortunately, has not been completely eroded even in modern society. Nevertheless, the question of inequality between the sexes is only part of the major question Ibsen poses: Is it right to force people into social roles without giving them the freedom to explore who they are and what they want to be? Ibsen presents this question by first characterizing Nora and Helmer as faithful conformists to social roles and then dramatizing the negative effects of those roles in an effort to provoke audiences of that period to think about their deeply ingrained beliefs. Nora seems to fulfill the role of a dutiful wife and mother. She does not work but stays at home and takes care of her children. Ibsen then reveals that, firstly, she is not really fulfilled, or self-actualized, through this role.The role of wife and mother does not bring out all her potential. He shows this through Nora's fond reminiscence about doing a bit of copying' to pay off her debts: It was almost like being a man'. She finds the experience fun' and gratifying, and does it for a good cause. However, she has to work in secret as her role does not permither to work. The audience is shown the negative effects of confining men and women to stereotypical roles. Ibsen in questioning, through Nora, whether it is right to constrain men and women to certain roles in society.Moreover, Ibsen reveals that forcing individuals into roles because of gender might be an exercise in futility as not everyone is suitable for their roles. Nora, for instance, in not a very good mother. The maids spend more time than her with the children (though it is possible that this is also a social convention), and she plays with them like dolls'. Helmer, too, is a victim of society's expectations. He tells Nora that he loves her so much he wishes that she were in danger so that he could risk everything' for her sake.He sees himself as bold and strong, doubtless part of his identity he has received from social conditioning. However, when Nora is really in danger from Krogstad's blackmailing, Helmer's reaction shows the audience that he is a coward and cares only for himself when there is danger. He is unable to fulfill the role expected of him. This not only shatters the perfect model husband stereotype, but also leads the audience to question whether it is right to force such unjust expectations onto individuals without giving them freedom to grow by themselves.Finally, this leads us to the most important question Ibsen presents: Should individuals not be free to create their own identity, uninfluenced by society? ‘ We have seen t he negative effects of Nora being forced into the role of wife and mother. She feels suppressed as can be seen through her comments that she would simply love to say Damn' in front of Helmer (in that period, the word damn' was seen as extremely rude and vulgar). She enjoys working, but cannot because her role does not allow her to.The question presented here is that would it not be better if society did not determine roles based on gender and let individuals decide by themselves what they want to be? Ibsen reveals a common failing of society through Nora's reminiscences of childhood: her father formed his opinions, and Nora just accepted them, never voicing her own. And when she married Helmer, she merely acquired his tastes'. She has had no chance of gaining of more experience of the world and to learn more about herself. All those years, she has been what her father and husband, symbols of society, want her to be.The aforementioned question is presented beautifully in that last co nflict between Helmer and Nora. Helmer says that Nora's sacred duty' is to her husband and children. Nora replies that first and foremost [she is] an individual', and leaves her doll's house' to gain experience and knowledge, and to find out more about herself. The play does not tell us her eventual fate. Such as ending merely presents the audience with questions regarding the validity of deeply ingrained social norms, roles and values, and whether it would be better if individuals, like Nora, used their freedom to find their own way in life.These questions were highly relevant in the period in which A Doll's House was written, and are still significant now. Even in modern society, men and women are still expected to take on certain roles and identities and are persecuted for going against cultural and social norms. And because these questions are presented through the lives of ordinary men and women like us, whom we can identify with and whose situations are not so dissimilar to ou r own, those questions become even more significant to us and the problems we face in our daily lives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Principles of Management: Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) has been around for several years. The concept is being applied to business and industry processes for the purpose of quality improvement. Many businesses feel that TQM is only for large manufacturing type businesses or major industries. (Lee p1) TQM can be used for everyone with managers and employees. Certainly everyone involved with customer service. It is important to recognize the TQM and assessment are made up of identifiable, measurable components. Proper orientation to and understanding of the TQM philosophy, team development, problem solving techniques, and statistical process control must be the mission of everyone in any organization. (Lee p1) The wall street journal has twice reported on the struggling efforts of companies trying to improve overall quality and customer satisfaction. (Chaudron p2) Management must realize that to fully implement TQM, satisfy customers, and promote teamwork in the entire organization, often wrenching systemic changes must be made: profit sharing may be introduced; individual performance appraisals may be radically changed or eliminated; organizational structure may be realigned away from functions to a customer process or geographic – based structure, information may be given to employees formerly reserved for senior management; and significantly more authority may be given to line employees. (Chaudron p2) If management does not align these systems, the effect will result in much struggle and confusion. Organizations need to spend time on the design of their efforts. If they do not, they risk pouring time and dollars into and effort that will eventually collapse. Among the decisions that should be made up – front, before implementing a quality effort are: measures of success, the degree of employee involvement, the depth and breadth of immpleementation, and the techniques to be used. (Chaudron p2) As someone once said, â€Å"If you don†t like where are are going, you may not like getting there.† A manager of people needs to understand that all people are different. This is not ranking people. They need to understand that the performance of anyone is governed largely by the system that he works in, the responsibility of management. (Deming p1) A leader of transformation, and managers involved, need to learn the psychology of individuals, the psychology of a group, they psychology of society, and the psychology of change. (Deming p1) Changing behaviors is probably the most critical area in the process of change. People do not necessarily resist change. They resist being changed. It is important to give people time to understand the true needs and the process of change. Leaders promote open communication and clear visionss of the organizations future. The stronger culture values towards the market place, the less need for policy, instructions, organizational charts etc. Leaders empower and involve people to achieve the organization†s objectives. (Deming) TQM has been proven to work in many types of businesses such as Health Care facilities, Universities, multi million dollar corporations and small businesses. Can the concepts of TQM be applied to Hotel management operations? The Hotel industry is a very competitive business, based almost solely on customer satisfaction. Hotels have been feeling much more pressure in the past decade; they have been feeling a sense of crisis. Crisis that is caused due to th increasing number of new hotels being built up and down the interstates. An old hotel must use the concepts of TQM to keep themselves in the forefront of customer minds. To make the TQM philosophy work in the hotel industry, you must have continuos commitment from all levels of employees. Corporate owner, general managers, department managers, shift supervisors and hourly employees. The commitment must be to embrace and implement the philosophy of Deming and the principles of TQM on a daily basis. The focus must be on the processes of the organization and on providing leadership. Above all this commitment must be consistent. Owners and management must decide together and implement methods that can bring about change in the processes that produce product (room style and cleanliness) and service (customer satisfaction ) for the hotel. Management must review its mission and challenge suppervisors and employees to identify their respective departments philosophies, goals, objectives, and expected outcomes. If they don†t know the results they desire, assessment is meaningless. Once this is accomplished, techniques can be identified to measure quality improvement and to reduce the variation of outcomes. Commitment to quality is essential if companies are to succeed in a commercial environment. If you look at a 30 year old hotel and compare it to several new hotels, the older one better offer something of good quality and with excellent customer service. Competing with brand new is tough in this day and age. Customers want the best, they expect the best. TQM style will help bring out the best in any company. Comparing management styles of two hotels, brings about some interesting discoveries. One that used the TQM philosophy and the other that did not. The most obvious difference was the attitudes of the employees. The TQM hotel has employees that feel like they are the hotel. The same projection was received from the housekeeping staff as for the guest service agents. The general manager does not call them employees he calls them team members. They have team meetings, they all realize the importance of each job and each of them cross train for the other positions. The general manger has empowered the employees to make decisions on behalf of the business. They all have support from corporate managers and district managers. With this franchised hotel they all support each other. They try to keep their workplace fun with contest and monetary winnings. These employees enjoy coming to work and try to make each day better than the last. When the hotel succeeds so do the employees. The hotel without TQM present does not run the same at all. Employees come to work to fill their shifts. They make the same amount of money whether the hotel is full or empty. Empowerment is not a work that is recognized. All departments are separate and do not necessarily work together. The manager does much more managing and works harder because everything that happens is brought to them. When shown the difference between the hotels we are also forced to look at which one fares better in the community. With out a doubt the TQM hotel surpassed the other hotel. Suggestions to make TQM work for everyone.  · Make a personal self-examination regarding your willingness and discipline to alter day-to-day management behaviors in such a way that the organization is ever mindful of the strategic importance of TQM.  · Establish agreed upon quality measurements, followed by widespread search for the best performers to measure against.  · See out customer feedback and objectively measure their concerns.  · Work with employees to help them understand the strategic importance of new TQM activities and to buy into the process.  · Don†t go overboard. Focus on a few processes and their characteristics.  · Create an organization that is capable of learning from itself in the quest for continuos quality improvement in the strategic process Quality management principles are a comprehensive and fundamental rule of belief, for leading the operation and organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all stake holders. (Quality Management) These principles used in hotel management could take you to the competitive edge. Principle 1 – Customer Focused Organization: organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements, and strive to exceed customer expections. Principle 2 – Leadership: Leaders establish unity of purpose, direction, and the internal environment of organization. They create that environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization†s objectives. Principle 3 – Involvement of People: People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization†s benefit. Principle 4 – Process Approach: A desired result is achieved more efficiently when related resources and activities are managed as a process. Principle 5 – System Approach to Management: Identifying, understanding, and managing a system of interrelated processes for a given objective contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. Principle 6 – Continual improvement: Continual improvement is a permanent objective of the organization. Principle 7 – Factual Approach to Decision Making: Effective decisions and actions are based on the logical and intuitive analysis of data and information. Principle 8 – Mutually Beneficial supplier Relationships: Mutually beneficial relationship between organizations and its supplier enhance the ability of both organizations to create value. (Quality Management) If all principles are applied with effective management, they will most certainly do a whole lot of good to create a better atmosphere for more effective people. Changing behaviors is probably the most critical area in the process of change. Leaders should empower and involve employees to achieve the organization†s objectives. Continuous improvement is a mindset, a way of doing business. We are never good enough; we can always be better. This is an ethic and an aspiration. (CIDR) On the other side of the coin, not everyone agrees with the whole TQM concept. In an article by Robert A Zawacki, Carol A. Norman, Paul A. Zawacki and Paul D Applegate, they say that total quality programs are a bust because TQM programs try to implement 9,000 new practices simultaneously. Their conclusions were (1) Involve everyone in the process, and (2) be willing to change everything, but concentrate on one thing at a time. They believe that most continuos improvement and partnering programs are failing because individual contributors are overworked, lack alignment and feel devalued by their leaders. In their opinion the error that many leaders made in the 1990†³s , in their rush to embrace the total quality movement, was that although they recognized the importance of quality they put more efforts into planning than they did into implementation and follow-up. (Zawacki p1) TQM can work with efforts of everyone. From the highest paid to the lowest paid. Everyone in the company is important. Jobs will be better, people will be happier and customers more satisfied. That spells better business and more business. Everyone wins. All it takes is commitment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Basic Structure of a Thesis - Proofeds Writing Tips Blog

The Basic Structure of a Thesis The Basic Structure of a Thesis How a thesis should look can vary between colleges, so its always best to check the guidelines youve been given. However, the basic structure of a thesis should incorporate all the sections described below. Cover Page Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Methodology Results, Analysis and Discussion Conclusion Bibliography Appendices Cover Page This will include the title of your thesis, your name and the name of your college. It may also feature your course title and the name of your supervisor. Check with your supervisor if you need to add any extra details. Abstract This is a summary of your thesis and shouldnt be more than 500 words. Acknowledgements This is your chance to thank your professors, friends, family and anyone else who may have helped along the way. Table of Contents This helps your reader navigate your document. If youre using Microsoft Word, you can even add a dynamic table of contents, as well as automatic lists of figures and charts. In addition to looking professional, these can be updated at the touch of a button after making revisions to save time and effort later on. Introduction The introduction should briefly outline your topic and the main areas you will cover in your work without going into too much depth. The key is to give your reader the information they need to understand the rest of your thesis. Literature Review A literature review examines past research in your subject area. Try to explain how the studies you mention have influenced your ideas and how they are relevant to your work. Methodology The methodology section of a thesis should provide a detailed description of how you intend to collect and analyze your data. Results, Analysis and Discussion The results, analysis and discussion sections of a thesis are where you present, analyze and evaluate the data you have gathered. How you do this will depend on your subject area and your schools requirements, since sometimes the results are presented separately from the discussion, while sometimes a combined Results and Discussion section is preferred. Conclusion This should summarize your entire argument and explain its overall significance. You may also want to present recommendations for applications or further research, depending on the subject area. You should not introduce any new information here. Bibliography/Reference List This is where you list every source you have used in your thesis. If in any doubt about how to do this, use a reference generator to check you have included all the necessary information. Whether you need a reference list (all sources referenced) or a bibliography (all sources consulted during research) will depend on the citation system youre using, so remember to check your style guide. Appendices This is where you should put any extra material that cannot be included in the main body of your thesis. This can include interviews, questionnaires or transcripts. Professional Proofreading If youre still not sure about the structure of your thesis, why not send yours to the professionals at Proofed? As well as correcting spelling and grammar errors, we can give you feedback on the structure and flow of your prose, allowing you to make any changes necessary before submitting your work.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Literature Studies Following Tradition by Simon Bronner

Literature Studies Following Tradition by Simon Bronner Simon Bronner in his book, Following Tradition: Folklore in the discourse of American Culture, views how Americans have adopted their traditions and, in times of need, altered them to suit the present situations in the new world.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Literature Studies: Following Tradition by Simon Bronner specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Composed of a myriad of communities, America has crumbled with different cultural traditional values, as well as multiculturalism, which makes the nation known as multicultural among other key nations, which have almost the same cultural background. Folklore of the US is the cultural heritage of the nation; therefore, American society tries to preserve their practices in terms of a plurality of ideas. With the rise of individualism or behaviorism, Bronner notes that the quest for material progress has made the society to adopt an individual approach of reasoning to e mbracing communal systems. This has led to declining of culture and its social aspects if viewing the nation from an individual perspective. With increased mobility across borders coupled with self-consciousness, individuals tend to become less attached to communities than to personal engagements. In a society that is future-oriented, like America, folklorists find it difficult to go for the preservation of the nation’s traditions. The progressive American society comprising of Africans, Hispanics, and American Europeans has been seeking a new path to follow. Again, the clear cultural distinction in terms of identity makes it difficult for the US to forge a distinct tradition and modernity. Modernism and postmodernism have pragmatically de-emphasized folklore. Therefore, it has been difficult to ‘hand down’ lore from one generation to another. When issues of value judgment arise, the problems of tradition emanate, this idea tends to change the power of traditions that had reigned all along the existence of a nation. Modernists view the main function of a tradition as regulating every aspect of life; therefore, people should not follow it unconsciously, as this might conform to a defined domestic life. Moreover, the process of inheritance of traditions has remained controversial in the aspect of conformity and mark of honor. From this point of view, conforming to tradition irrationally brings out the authoritarian nature of enforcement.Advertising Looking for assessment on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The opening chapters of Bronner’s book take a variety of case studies on how England and Germany influence American culture. One can easily grasp and participate in the practices of a society, but not abstract the idea of a society at the same pace. Culture and tradition have different meanings, and it becomes difficult to use the term tradition in learning various cultures of the present society. Historically, the concept of a universal tradition, according to Edward Taylor, replicates cultural ideas. Since cultural beliefs were passed through oral and face-to-face communication, societies conformed to exact norms and practices, as opposed to the entry of western civilization. Culture is generally the way of life of any social group. This sociological perspective touches on the ways social groups think, ways they act, and parameters that shape their ways of life. According to Edward B. Taylor, culture entails morals, customs, beliefs, knowledge, symbols, and other habits that one can acquire as a member of a given society. Cultural relativism, as a concept, believes that the cultural practices of a person are relative to his/her social affiliation. Anthropologists believe that no cultural practice is superior to the other. For that matter, no moral belief is considered as wrong or right and does not supersede any other belie f of a different social group. On the other hand, ethnocentrism is a sociological concept where a person views the entire world concerning his/her social group. Here, one believes that his/her ethnic group is more important than other cultural groups in the world, and the measurement of one’s culture is done relative to his/her ethnic group. Finally, qualitative research methodology is a field research method that aims at bringing out the understanding of concepts of social life. The whole concept tries to answer questions of ‘why,’ ‘how’ and ‘what’ of any aspect. The research method that Professor Linton used to collect the cultural practices of the Finnish is qualitative, given that it tried to answer questions on why and the communities behaved in the way they did. It disclosed the belief systems, experiences, and perspectives from the historical point of view. The whole concept helped anthropologists to understand how and why people behave differently. For instance, the research exposed why the Britons paid extreme attention to ritual activities, albeit the fruits of their economic engagements. In essence, communities hold their cultures irrespective of the consequences that they may have.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Literature Studies: Following Tradition by Simon Bronner specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The optimism that the author presents when he brings forth his views on the future role of folklore in the American society is also addressed vividly in the early reviews from Taylor and Francis Group. With numerous materials from archives of different regions, world scholars are trying to prove the apparent differences in folklore. Tradition, culture, and folklore have remained popular topics of discourses, as many scholars write on their relations and differences in different regions of the world.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ancestry of Laura Elizabeth Ingalls

Ancestry of Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Immortalized in time by the Little House series of books that she wrote based on her own life, Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born on February 7, 1867, in a little cabin at the edge of the Big Woods in the Chippewa River Valley region of Wisconsin. The second child of Charles Philip Ingalls and Caroline Lake Quiner, she was named after Charles mother, Laura Louise Colby Ingalls. Almanzo James Wilder, the man Laura would eventually come to marry, was born February 13, 1857, near Malone, New York. He was the fifth of six children born to James Mason Wilder and Angeline Albina Day. Laura and Almanzo married on August 25, 1885, in De Smet, Dakota Territory, and had two children - Rose born in 1886 and a baby boy who died soon after his birth in August 1889. This family tree begins with Rose and traces back through both of her parents. First Generation 1. Rose WILDER was born on 5 Dec 1886 in Kingsbury Co., Dakota Territory. She died on 30 Oct 1968 in Danbury, Fairfield Co., Connecticut. Second Generation (Parents) 2. Almanzo James WILDER was born on 13 Feb 1857 in Malone, Franklin Co., New York. He died on 23 Oct 1949 in Mansfield, Wright Co., Missouri. 3. Laura Elizabeth INGALLS was born on 7 Feb 1867 in Pepin County, Wisconsin. She died on 10 Feb 1957 in Mansfield, Wright Co., MO. Almanzo James WILDER and Laura Elizabeth INGALLS were married on 25 Aug 1885 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., Dakota Territory. They had the following children:    1 i. Rose WILDER ii. Baby boy WILDER was born on 12 Aug 1889 in Kingsbury Co., Dakota Territory. He died on 24 Aug 1889 and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. Third Generation (Grandparents) 4. James Mason WILDER was born on 26 Jan 1813 in VT. He died in Feb 1899 in Mermentau, Acadia Co., LA. 5. Angelina Albina DAY was born in 1821. She died in 1905. James Mason WILDER and Angelina Albina DAY were married on 6 Aug 1843 and had the following children:   Ã‚  Ã‚   i. Laura Ann WILDER was born on 15 Jun 1844 and died in 1899. ii. Royal Gould WILDER was born on 20 Feb 1847 in New York and died in 1925. iii. Eliza Jane WILDER was born on 1 Jan 1850 in New York and died in 1930 in Louisiana. iv. Alice M. WILDER was born on 3 Sep 1853 in New York and died in 1892 in Florida. 2 v. Almanzo James WILDER  Ã‚   vi. Perley Day WILDER was born on 13 Jun 1869 in New York and died 10 May 1934 in Louisiana. 6. Charles Phillip INGALLS was born on 10 Jan 1836 in Cuba Twp., Allegany Co., New York. He died on 8 Jun 1902 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. 7. Caroline Lake QUINER was born on 12 Dec 1839 in Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin. She died on 20 Apr 1924 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. Charles Phillip INGALLS and Caroline Lake QUINER were married on 1 Feb 1860 in Concord, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin. They had the following children:   Ã‚  Ã‚   i. Mary Amelia INGALLS was born on 10 Jan 1865 in Pepin County, Wisconsin. She died on 17 Oct 1928 in at the home of her sister Carrie in Keystone, Pennington Co., South Dakota, and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. She suffered a stroke which caused her to go blind at the age of 14 and lived with her parents until the death of her mother, Caroline. After that she lived with her sister, Grace. She never married. 3 ii. Laura Elizabeth INGALLS iii. Caroline Celestia (Carrie) INGALLS was born on 3 Aug 1870 in Montgomery Co., Kansas. She died of a sudden illness on 2 Jun 1946 in Rapid City, Pennington Co., South Dakota, and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. She married David N. Swanzey, a widow, on 1 Aug 1912. Carrie and Dave never had any children together, but Carrie raised Daves children, Mary and Harold, as her own. The family lived in Keystone, the site of Mount Rushmore. Dave was one of the group of men who recommended the mountain to the sculptor, and Carries stepson Harold helped with the carving. iv. Charles Frederic (Freddie) INGALLS was born on 1 Nov 1875 in Walnut Grove, Redwood Co., Minnesota. He died on 27 Aug 1876 in Wabasha Co., Minnesota. v. Grace Pearl INGALLS was born on 23 May 1877 in Burr Oak, Winneshiek Co., Iowa. She died on 10 Nov 1941 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota, and is was buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. Grace married Nathan (Nate) William DOW on 16 Oct 1901 in her parents home in De Smet, South Dakota. Grace and Nate never had any children.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How Latin American Music Has Developed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

How Latin American Music Has Developed - Essay Example The Development Process The actual origins of Latin American music cannot be traced easily, however, various explanations have been put up explaining this. Tiemstra (1992) suggests that one of the major explanations is cultural interactions: people from the European countries moved to America and were later followed by the African slaves. The two traditions together with the American one mixed and came up with an impure culture. Latin American music is a form of art which is associated with countries of Latin America, such as Cuba, and it is usually popular due to its unique rhythmical structures. Slonimsky (1946) explains it is both vocal as well as instrumental and formally derived from African traditional ceremonies. Its main characteristic is the unique rhythm it exhibits when numerous rhythms are played together to produce one exiting rhythm. Traditionally, the music was played using percussion and other string instruments like the timbales, guitar, tres, congas and the bongo (Thompson & Chase, 1947). With developments in the music industry, instruments like guitars were replaced by the piano and other instruments such as trumpets, trombones, woodwinds and the bass to play riffs and also melodies. The exiting rhythm produced in Latin music is normally called â€Å"clave† which has a pattern of 2-3, and it is the basis of all the music of Cuba (Bloomington & In Orrego, 1971). The clave can be said to be a rhythmic pattern that is syncopated which is the revolution point of the band and is normally played using two sticks. In describing the form exhibited by the Latin music Bloomington & In Orrego (1971) say that it is usually played using three main forms. One starts with a long verse of introduction which is then followed by a section known as montuno; here the band plays an instrument called vamp. This instrument is blended appropriately with other instruments such as the mambo in order to build intensity (here the front line members play riffs of the contrasting nature). Finally, the whole choir members shift their focus to the verse, and close their presentation with a coda, which is a way of closing a piece which is precise and predetermined (Tiemstra, 1992). Having described and presented what Latin music is one needs to understand the developments that have taken place in this music. Bloomington & In Orrego (1971) assert that even before the colonial era the people who were involved in this music industry were mainly the Amerindian, Europeans mainly the Iberian, Mestizo as well as Africans. It was a mixed cultured scenario and the music which was played at this time reflected a multi-cultured origin. However, the emergence of the colonial era between the 16th to 19th centuries marked a major transformation in Latin music history. Majority of the people with Amerindian origin were decima ted and many of their traditional musical instruments destroyed together with their Iberians people’s culture (Thompson & Chase, 1947). Currently, there is very little

Friday, October 18, 2019

Blog 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Blog 3 - Essay Example To the contemporary period in which we live in, the two quotes, that is, the Quran verse and the Hadith by Prophet Muhammad play, as they were initially intended, to put greater emphasis on the need for human brotherhood and the practicing of the virtues of goodness of good actions. Essentially human beings are known to have a moral sense of ensuring that they live peacefully amongst themselves and in the current context of the life we live, the Quran verse and the Hadith from the prophet implore us to love each other and help each other (Gauss145-152). The current times are full of various evil deeds propagated by human beings; hence, it would only be essential that brotherhood among human beings is encouraged. As a virtue, the brotherhood will enable one to restrain from doing bad towards another but, only practice good actions (Gauss 102-109). Therefore, this elaborates on the significance of human morality in the former and current

Critical Reflection Pieces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Reflection Pieces - Essay Example Good theories predict the unknown. After reading the Cybernetic in the Dialectic between Science and Design, it was realized that the perspective of the designers and the scientists was different. The Scientists based their arguments on observations, while the designers based their arguments on innovations. The designers created something that is yet to be observed and measured. Additionally, the scientists celebrated the aspect of generalization for instance on abstract theories, the designers on the other hand proposed artifacts that must result to operating in their details rather than their abstract. Reflecting on the content of the paper, the scientists insisted on the causal explanations. They excluded themselves from the causes of phenomena that they explored. The designers intended to cause something out of their own actions. The contrast between the designers and the scientists was evident. For this reason, the author adopted a less philosophical commitment in defining the term cybernetics. Based on his defi nition, he termed it as study of the possible systems, which resides on what that cannot be build or evolved in nature. Therefore, majority of the authors work is characterized as exploring the difference between innovation and observation (Krippendorff, 2007). After reading the 2nd order Cybernetics and Human-Centeredness, it can be reflected that the section only mentioned artifacts but not objects. The artifacts arose in the coordination of sensory motor as they are developed by those accounted and involved for their deeds under conditions with reliable interactions. For this reason, what people normally call objects can also be artifacts because they are also crafted skillfully. Artifacts might come from designing a material through recognition and in interfaces, which can be differentiated based on their interactivity. According to their interactions, it can be said that the meaning are less subjective.

Philosophy of Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Philosophy of Science - Essay Example This paper discusses the problem of induction and how it impacts current knowledge and approach to science. This discussion revolves primarily around works of David Hume and Karl Popper due to the former theorising on induction more than any other philosopher and the latter revealing inapplicability of induction for science and scientific method. Alan Musgrave (2004) in his critique of induction problem introduces Hume's argument as the basis for understanding the dilemma. Musgrave distinguishes Hume's three points, namely: (1) we reason, and must reason, inductively; (2) inductive reasoning is logically invalid and (3) to reason in a logically invalid way is irrational. Thus, the problem of induction is a problem confronted by scientists and philosophers concerned with science, but more specifically it is a problem for scientific method. Furthermore, it is a problem for the practice of science, for scientific endeavor, and it is a problem for the procedures of science. From the critical perspective, as science is or ought to be, it faces and must solve the problem of induction. David Hume created a philosophical system to explain his understanding of human nature. He provided a solid non-metaphysical explanation of the nature of human thought to use as a foundation to his philosophy. As an empiricist, Hume believed our knowledge is of the phenomenal world and is gained through experience. The following passage addresses not only his opinion regarding metaphysics, but his basic belief regarding the significance of ideas and impressions: All ideas, especially abstract ones, are naturally faint and obscure: the mind has but a slender hold of them: they are apt to be confounded with other resembling ideas; and when we have often employed any term, though without a distinct meaning, we are apt to imagine it as a determinate idea annexed to it. On the contrary, all impressions, that is, all sensations, either outward or inward, are strong and vivid; the limits between them are more exactly determined: nor is it easy to fall into any error or mistake with regard to them (Hume, 1985, p.49). Hume built a unique system of knowledge. Creating complex ideas by comparing or combining simple ideas is the province of understanding, which includes imagination as well as the intellect. Everything we believe comes from experience, either as a simple idea derived from direct experience or as a complex of related ideas abstracted from experience. Human understanding comes from applying the intellect and imagination to ideas in order to form beliefs about the phenomenal world. Hume claimed there are only three types of connection between ideas: resemblance, contiguity in time and space, and cause and effect (Hume, 1999, p.101). Therefore, beliefs are gained by applying the intellect and imagination to ideas to abstract what they have in common, including location

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fashion and Buying Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Fashion and Buying - Dissertation Example In today’s retail world there are thousands of competitors, and millions of items being pushed at a customer to buy. It is highly likely that a customer will be able to buy an item similar to yours from a competitor. So how do you keep customers loyal? It boils down to making shopping an individualized experience for each customer. Having top customer service, as well as tailoring each shopping experience to each individual shopper will ensure that customers remain loyal for years to come. What exactly is customer service? It is something different for everyone, however we can simply define customer service as putting the customer first, and making shopping as easy and enjoyable for the customer as is possible. Using IT makes it easy to achieve this goal. These are just some ways to improve customer service and individualize the shopping experience online. There are things we can do in its stores as well. Since the goal is to make the customer as happy as possible, the more information you have on a customer, the better. One way to do this is to keep a log in the store’s computer of each item the customer has purchased. This way, sales associates can make suggestions for the customer’s future purchases based on items they already know he or she likes. This will give the customer a feeling that the sales associates really value them, and will increase customer loyalty as well as store revenue. In addition,We could also use these customer logs to send out notices of upcoming sales to customers. Excellent customer service and shopping convenience is not the only way to increase a company's overall revenue. Employee satisfaction plays a big part in a store's success. Studies have shown that happy employees are productive employees. Simple things, such as creating a regular work schedule as opposed to having rotating shifts, can decrease turnover by 50%, thus helping to cultivate more long-term relationships between sales associates and their customers (Smith, 2003). Employees are also happy when they feel they are good at their jobs. An excellent way for Gap to determine whether or not their employees are excelling at their jobs would be to keep track of each item the employee sells. If an employee is assigned to the women's department, however they continuously are making sales of men's clothing, the store manager will see this and can move them to the men's department, where they could potentially be more useful and happier. Not only do happy employees stay with a company longer and are more productive, they also make customers happier (Glanz, 2003). When employees are happy, they create an atmosphere of friendliness and dedication. Shopping in such an atmosphere makes customers happy and relaxed. Only good things can come from this. The new market place is all about customization and personalization. Knowing what each individual customer wants, and knowing how he or she wants it. No longer will product sell to entire segments of the market. With so many competing forces the masses demand personal touches. Automobile companies have 20 different lines of cars and trucks, computers offer

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Concept note Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concept note - Essay Example It is in directive to achieve responsibilities. ‘Alvin Toffler’ first interpreted the word ‘Adhocracy’ in the year 1970 (Mintzberg & McHugh, pp. 160-197, 1985). The origin of the term adhocracy demonstrates that it specifically defines to explain the flexible dealing with daily changing objectives and motives. Nowadays, in the modern culture, these types of operational systems can be under implementation in the firms having high-risk rates to survive and among the blue-collar organizations, and in those organizations that plan to short-term projects or developed on a temporary basis. Similarly, if the organization persists to develop its structure permanently and is aware of the future risks then it has to maintain its bureaucratic structure to fight with the long term business deals. It also helps to maintain the company’s good will and repute in professional market. This term clearly contradicts to the term bureaucracy that refers to set of defined rules and set hierarchy in accomplishing organizational goals (Thatchenkery, pp. 67-74, 2010). It is a method of supple and casual organization and administration instead of unbending bureaucracy. Adhocracy (Dolan, pp. 33-50, 2010) later on revised in some common literature and in governmental pomposity to define a kind of unsystematic answer by politicians to developing issues, generally focused around American fiscal policy and in foreign policy development, unanimously that resembles Lind bloom’s "muddling through" metaphor (Thatchenkery, pp. 67-74, 2010) than a flexible, but determined organizational strategy. In other words, Adhocracy is simply a flat structure organization that does not follow any hierarchy (Dolan, pp. 33-50, 2010). The norms and regulations of such an organization rely upon a typical non-bureaucratic chunk of ideas. Selective decentralization is a specific characteristic of adhocracy that means a focus of control for decision-making. This phenomenon ex ist in functional divisions within the organization for example the decentralization of the pool system in some organizations taking place of centralized culture and also hierarchical system that majorly defines the outlines for responsibilities in the respective areas that helps in capturing errors and biases more easily. In the adhocracy, the business is proficient of rearranging its own structure including vigorously altering the work ?ow, shifting accountabilities and adjusting to changing environments (Aart & Wielinga, pp. 567-599, 2004). Adhocracies are the organizations and systems with a very beautiful concept in which a system operates in a non-hierarchical structure and has no uniform procedures for dealing with daily problems, is low in reinforcement and prearranges a momentary life. The variance between an adhocracy and the dual intent of bureaucracies is that there is a lack of typical job description definition and no classi?cation of programmed circumstances in adhocr acy. Simultaneously, professional bureaucracy and machine bureaucracy (Baum, pp. 29-43, 1987) is an older shape of Adhocracy, when adhocracy takes a growing form, it may lead to these two possible compositions. Machine Bureaucracy (Huber, pp. 50-67, 2006) is an obvious in its rigid observance to the important individualities of Weberian style bureaucracy. It is a preferred model in a constant atmosphere with routinized procedures. In any case, workers within an adhocracy will have to ?nd innovative keys to

Fashion and Buying Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Fashion and Buying - Dissertation Example In today’s retail world there are thousands of competitors, and millions of items being pushed at a customer to buy. It is highly likely that a customer will be able to buy an item similar to yours from a competitor. So how do you keep customers loyal? It boils down to making shopping an individualized experience for each customer. Having top customer service, as well as tailoring each shopping experience to each individual shopper will ensure that customers remain loyal for years to come. What exactly is customer service? It is something different for everyone, however we can simply define customer service as putting the customer first, and making shopping as easy and enjoyable for the customer as is possible. Using IT makes it easy to achieve this goal. These are just some ways to improve customer service and individualize the shopping experience online. There are things we can do in its stores as well. Since the goal is to make the customer as happy as possible, the more information you have on a customer, the better. One way to do this is to keep a log in the store’s computer of each item the customer has purchased. This way, sales associates can make suggestions for the customer’s future purchases based on items they already know he or she likes. This will give the customer a feeling that the sales associates really value them, and will increase customer loyalty as well as store revenue. In addition,We could also use these customer logs to send out notices of upcoming sales to customers. Excellent customer service and shopping convenience is not the only way to increase a company's overall revenue. Employee satisfaction plays a big part in a store's success. Studies have shown that happy employees are productive employees. Simple things, such as creating a regular work schedule as opposed to having rotating shifts, can decrease turnover by 50%, thus helping to cultivate more long-term relationships between sales associates and their customers (Smith, 2003). Employees are also happy when they feel they are good at their jobs. An excellent way for Gap to determine whether or not their employees are excelling at their jobs would be to keep track of each item the employee sells. If an employee is assigned to the women's department, however they continuously are making sales of men's clothing, the store manager will see this and can move them to the men's department, where they could potentially be more useful and happier. Not only do happy employees stay with a company longer and are more productive, they also make customers happier (Glanz, 2003). When employees are happy, they create an atmosphere of friendliness and dedication. Shopping in such an atmosphere makes customers happy and relaxed. Only good things can come from this. The new market place is all about customization and personalization. Knowing what each individual customer wants, and knowing how he or she wants it. No longer will product sell to entire segments of the market. With so many competing forces the masses demand personal touches. Automobile companies have 20 different lines of cars and trucks, computers offer

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Atrocities on Women Essay Example for Free

Atrocities on Women Essay Everyday early in the morning after getting up from bed, as a matter of habit, I look for the local newspaper which the hawker uses to insert it in the door belt of my house. When I go through the paper, invariably I find one or more news on atrocities on women or outraging the modesty of women appearing either on the front page or on the following pages depending on seriousness of the happenings. Sometimes I tremble to think, how could these heinous incidents take place everyday when stringent laws are there to deal with these cases rigorously, National Commission for Women and Child Welfare and separate women police stations have been set up by the Govt. to provide protection to women in danger or distress? Unlike the past when women were confined to four walls and treated as slaves in the male dominant society, there has been radical change in the social order and the women have been given equal status in all walks of life over the passage of time. Today the women are more or less conscious of their rights and position in the society and most women are educated too. In spite of all this, the women, as it were, are subjected to undergo humiliations and torture of different dimensions at various stages of their lives. Then what is going wrong? Are the flaws lying with the society or the system or the women themselves? In fact, women are very often made the targets of attack for pleasure or fun or comfort or making of money or avoiding unnecessary burden right from the stage of embryo before birth till their old age. Before going to discuss on what could be the reasons and who are responsible for inflicting torture on women, it may not be out of place to take an account of different nature of atrocities and humiliations being done to women at various stages of their lives as the reports, very often, come to our notice through media. v Pregnant women are either persuaded or forced to undergo abortion if the babies in the womb are detected to be females through sonography, only to avoid bringing up of girl children and bear huge expenses for their arriage. v New born female children are brutally killed by parents or other members of the family and thrown as wastes if they could not be aborted before birth not only for rearing burdensome creatures but also for satisfying their caustic desire for having only the male children who will be the future bread earners and shall be the heirs to advance their family for future generations,. v Girl children in several parts of the country are not allowed to g o to school for study and they are engaged in household or field work. In many cases they are engaged as maid servants for earning money for the family or sold out as bonded labour to rich people. v Girl children are abducted and sold to the brokers for trading in the whore market. v School and college going girls are very often subjected to eave teasing, kidnapping, rape, rape and murder. v In many families daughters are not given equal treatment in upbringing as given to their sons. v Forceful child marriage of girl child and forgetting about her fate in father-in-law’s house is still existent in some parts of our country. If the marriage of a girl after attaining right age is arranged one, her misery follows when her parents fail to satisfy the demands of groom and his parents. All her visionary projects for building a lovely home get crushed and mingled with the dust as soon as she steps into her father-in-law’s house. She is treated like a foot ball and is subjected to painful humiliations and inhuman torture for dowry day in and day out. How helpless and destitute she feels in her father-in-law’s house where everybody including her husband go on torturing her mentally as well as physically until their dowry demands are not fulfilled? In many cases, the helpless poor girl either commits suicide or she is most cruelly murdered. v If a woman is divorced or estranged by the husband for any reason after marriage, her misery crosses all limits by making her life extremely unbearable. Not only her neighbourers, friends, relatives but also her parents in many cases never hesitate to cast slur on her and treat her as if an unwanted entity in the family/society. v If a woman is raped or kidnapped and then released, her living in the society becomes awful and everyone looks down upon her as if she has committed a grievous sin willfully. Working women, in most cases are subjected to sexual harassment at their respective working places and outside. v In nucleus families (Families comprising husband, wife and children only which are commonly seen these days) mostly the dominance of husbands is supreme where wives are not earning members and poor wives have no freedom to act according to their wishes. In cases, even if the wive s are earning members, the husbands hardly share the responsibility of managing the family and rearing of children. The wives are compelled to manage all household works including cooking of food even if their earning is equal to or more than their husbands. In most of the cases wives have to compromise for a peaceful family life and their dedication for the family is considered as an obligation to making an ideal family either as wives or as mothers. v Most widows in old age are an abandoned lot in spite of having their well placed sons simply because their daughters-in-law can’t bear their presence at home. Although the nature of atrocities on females as listed above is not conclusive, it is enough to indicate clearly the motive behind all these infamous deeds. Those may be (1) Fanatical belief of man of having a male child in stead of a girl child. (2) Insatiable greed for dowry and passion for leading a comfortable or luxurious life by utilizing women as the key gadgets to extract easy money from their parents. (3) Jealousy and hatred (4) Satisfaction of one’s sexual appetite growing out of passion for having illegal sex and infatuation. (5) Utilising women as precious commodity to breed money. 6) The last but not the least is the upholding the false vanity of male dominance by males on the strength of their masculine power. Now, if we go deep into the matter to discover who are the persons responsible for initiation of all these ghastly deeds, we may find, barring the cases of rape, sexual harassment and exercising superiority of men vainly upholding the male dominance, in oth er cases there must be either direct or indirect involvement of one or more women. This kind of abrupt landing on an observation may appear absurd, controversial and illogical but it is not far from reality. I think it is needless to elaborate on this question as the news come in daily that how women for their own advantage frame clandestine designs to inflict torture on other women who are not of their liking by craftily utilizing the masculine power of men and for that matter they never hesitate to instigate, persuade, entrap, coax, seduce or apply undue influence on men. Of the many news items coming out in the news papers everyday, one incident shocked me most and that was the dealings of a woman constable in a police station manned by women only. When a rape victim coming from a poor family approached the nearest women police station for help and wanted to lodge an FIR the woman constable of the police station in stead of extending help persuaded her to return home without creating a scene by lodging an FIR which would in no way go to help her on the contrary, it might make her life more miserable owing to spread of slander. This is only one of the live examples of lapses of the system in providing security to women in distress. One can imagine how many such cases might be happening everyday? Recently somewhere I read a news item that about 10-15% of the incidents of torture on women, injustice, humiliations done to women and outraging the modesty of women come to light whereas the rest happenings, however grievous they may be, are suppressed by the victims themselves out of fear or under pressure from other women of their relations who might be trying to cover up the incidents. For this matter I do not blame women in general but nobody comes forward to raise a voice against such injustice. In a complex society of ours where problems of leading a happy and peaceful life are multitude and highly sensitive being aggravated by poverty, unemployment and inadequate education, the atrocities on women can only be eradicated through mass awareness of women themselves. If all women develop a spirit of fellow feeling by placing themselves in the shoes of victims or aggrieved women and unite to protest or counter or fight or raise strong voice against all types of oppression, I think they can catalyze a novel metamorphosis in the society and curb atrocities on women to a great extent. If some progressive women come forward to form â€Å"Mahila Jagaran Manch† (MJM) and spread it through out the length and breadth of the country with a view to provide protection and help to women in distress I think the problem might subside. Unlike the National Commission for Women the MJM should grow voluntarily in every village and in every residential blocks in towns and cities through awareness campaign being conducted and monitored by some progressive benevolent ladies so that the women folk at large can master courage to come out to join MJM and face any turbulent situation confronting them boldly.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Green supply chain management and logistics

Green supply chain management and logistics It has been rising in alertness of the surrounds in the last little decades. Other persons are attentive of the worlds environmental attempt such as overall temperate, poisonous import meeting, and falling in non-replenish property. The management has out movement to carry this problem to people. A number of organization react to this by relate green values to their rumba company, such as using green friendly raw material, reducing the usage of gasoline power, and using the recycle allow for covering. The green principle was complete to much section within society, including supply chain. Green supply chain management (GSCM) was rising in the last little period. This idea covers every stage in industrialized from the first to the last step of life cycle, i.e. starting product plan to recycle. Not just manufacturing, but GSCM can also be used to other business sector such as management, culture and services. The reason of this file was to describe the crash of green to the supply chain management. It started with the meaning of GSCM to the company in different levels or what factor that power the company to agree the GSCM. This factor can be regard as by different drive such as management, whole market, industry, competitor, and inside the company. Since GSCM can be convenient to a variety of areas within the company, this paper also talks about the performance of GSCM to several areas. In addition, some examples of GSCM submission were recognized to support the commencement. Introduction At the current time, many companies have in progress to accept main attempt just before launch Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) initiatives (Srivastava, 2008; Zhu et al., 2007). The concept of GSCM include green initiative in inbound logistics which counting green purchasing, eco-design, production, outbound logistics which counting reverse logistics. These initiatives engage supplies suppliers, service supplier, vendor, distributors and end users that successful mutually to decrease or get rid of poor green impact of their concert (Vachon and Klassen, 2006). The logistics industry manages the flows of goods, services and in order across consumers and supplier allowing the incorporation of supply chains in which victory in incorporate worldwide supply chains starts with the capacity of firm to move goods across boundaries swiftly, regularly and sensibly. An aggressive and capable logistics sector is central for all economy and is a vital element of do business. So, logistics management plays an important role in GSCM. This is support by Skjoett-Larsen in which he claim that with the fast development of the GSCM, the sense of green organization for the logistics industry has greater than before very much. then, the review done by Capgemini Press discharge show that the greening of the supply chain will have an increasing speak to on in logistics presentation such as network plan, transfer modes used, warehousing, collection of paraphernalia, business process, behaviours and sense of balance. so far, few company swiftness green ability as a make a choice part when choose 3rd celebrations Logistics (3PL) partner in which 46% of respondents thought that the result of supply chain operation on the surroundings was a issue alert when select 3PL (Capgemini Press Release). In order to take produce and services to consumers more environmentally, so, logistics service donor need to talk to extra care on green issue (Murphy and Poist, 2003; Sarkis et al., 2004). For example, United Parcel Service (UPS), a universal logistics service supplier uses route development software and an internet related organization in their logistics service procedure to reduce the release of greenhouse gas as well as to keep oil expenditure (Lin and Ho, 2008). incorporate green innovation into logistics armed is good-looking a significant issue for the logistic urban. Examples of Green Logistics Green transportation: The green transport refers to build up a type of oil with the smallest total pollution as the power to try to put into rehearsal the multi-transportation and part mode. Accurately, repair up the transport can in this way think the litter, inferior the price and lift the part level. Green storage: The green storage space refers to endorsement the urban development in the extension of goods-storing to keep the manpower fee, functioning the environmentally friendly goods to sterilize the storage space goods, receipt the process of centralized-stock to reduce the radicalization to the vicinity and reduce the poor result of the warehousing on the rest. Green packing: The green pack up refers to a type of product pack up that will not cause the green litter. The pack equipment should save the property and decrease the packing dismiss also, it is believed to be used and renew after use as well as live in little ground while bury in tell to be rotten only. Reverse logistics: The reverse logistics is dissimilar to the recognized supply chain, it assign to practically removal or recuperating the price by growth, managing and dominant the raw material, centre stock, final goods and relative in order starting customer put to start directly. Green innovation: The green development refers to recital the improvement such as information and statement knowledge, natural knowledge, monitor technology and a combination of correct technologies in the succession of logistics management. The request of the greater innovation enables the project to get better green management, strongly. However, about to Lin et al. (2009), green innovation is the build up more linked technology with study innovative knowledge by training and educating the employees to suit knowledge employees. These learn but, will only talk to the subject of green innovation in logistics as a centre of this study. It is plan that a green improvement in logistics is a excellent area of study and apply that have the promising to provide imperative income to the firm and the culture. Factors influencing to Introduce Green Supply Management Rapid changes in the business situation, including increased internationalisation and worldwide competition, but also social and environmental trends, such as climate change, population growth and aging, wealth accumulation and distribution, nutrition, health and education, affect companies supply chains in various ways, resulting in new and evolving desires on supply chain design. famous features of chief green supply chains comprise an accent on life cycle appraisal, asset competence, and waste reduction and service innovation and recycling. execute successfully, GrSCM stimulates product and service innovation, improve asset deployment, and deepens customer relationships and service levels through a shared focus on reducing misuse and price. Some examples to show the impact on supply chains Wal-Mart, which in 2005 launch a sweeping business sustainability strategy, recently set the goal of a 5% decrease in packaging by 2013. The retail giant expect the cut in packaging will save 667,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from incoming the impression. Moreover, the company anticipate $3.4 billion in direct savings and roughly $11 billion in savings diagonally the supply chain; Nestlà © employs an ongoing, company-wide sustainability program that has generate significant environmental and financial profit. The company has apply the plan to its use of product packaging by initiate an incorporated advance that favours source decrease, re-use, recycling, and energy recovery. In exacting, the companys packaging material savings between 1991 and 2006 led to $510 million in savings, worldwide, according to Nestlà ©s corporate website; Heineken committed to reduce fuel and electricity use through its Aware of Energy program. The company said in its 2006 sustainability story that it designed to reduce fuel and electricity costs by 15% between 2002 and 2010. At the time of the Diamond report, Heineken had achieved savings of 6%-even after the achievement of new breweries. Benefit of GSCM Speaking of greening the supply chain, one might think only banning toxic chemical matter usages or reducing release or waste to the situation. However, it is much more than just a plain reducing usage and litter. Accordingly, the profits are not limited only less poisonous consuming or less waste. The GSCM principle can be apply to all departments in the organization. The effect of GSCM expand to all area, both physically and imperceptibly. Some studies mention benefits of adopt GSCM, such as (Stevels, 2002). He established the benefits of GSCM to dissimilar roles of supply chain including environment and society in terms of different categories: material, immaterial, and sensation. For material, GSCM helps lower environmental load for environment, minor cost prices for supplier, lower cost for producer, lower cost of rights for customer, and less consumption of income for society. In terms of irrelevant, GSCM helps overcoming bigotry and doubt for environment, less rejects for supplier, easier to manufacture for producer, expediency and fun for customer, and better agreement for society. For passion, GSCM helps motivation of stakeholder for environment, better figure for supplier and producer, feel good and quality of life for customer, and make industry on the right path for society. He also provides example of company that were successfully adopt GSCM. In (Duber-Smith, 2005), he identified ten reasons that the company should accept the green: aim marketing, sustainability of resources, lowered costs/increased efficiency, product demarcation and competitive benefit, reasonable and supply chain pressures, adapt to directive and reducing risk, brand character, return on asset, employee morale, and the moral necessary. Implementation of Green From product lifecycle idea, the cycle starts at the conniving of product. According to (Srivastara, 2007), literatures connected to green design underline both environmentally mindful design and life cycle assessment. In designing a product, the designing team can alter the raw materials or substances used in the manufacturing to be less poisonous, more environmental gracious. Some terminologies are related to design for green such as design for environment or EcoDesign. An paradigm of green product is cross car. Due to the rising demand and falling amount of fuel, automobile manufacturers needed to redesign the engine that consumes no or less gas. Hybrid car has been initial from day to day. One article about automobile design is (McAuley, 2003), he discuss the green design of automobile, which tend to change to higher lightweight materials and less materials in vehicle design. In designing a product, the manufacturing company needs a high level of support with their suppliers. An example for the research on supplier-manufacturer cooperation in EcoDesign is (Stevels, 2002). He also offered two examples of successful green supply programme between manufacturer and suppliers. In manufacturing process, the company can be relevant green by several methods to reduce the energy and resource expenditure. This is where recycle and recycling are referred. Several papers provided green practices such as (Duber-Smith, 2005). He suggested some practices including reducing energy use, recycle and reuse, using environmental and harmless materials, minimize harmful emission, and minimize or remove waste. In a Chinese sugar manufacturer, Guitang Group can reduce the wastes and improve their financial performance by using waste from the upstream as raw materials for downstream production (Zhu Cote, integrate Green Supply Chain into An developing Eco-Industril Development: A Case Study of the Guitang Group, 2004). Further than design and manufacturing, other department in an organization are concerned with the green. Purchasing could become an main agent for change regarding ecological initiatives in the supply chain (Preuss, 2001). In (Walton, 1998) article, he conducted a qualitative study to survey the main areas for change to increase purchasings impact on situation. As mentioned prior, not only manufacturer, other supply chain roles got impact from GSCM also. For a largest dealer in the U.S., Wal-Mart has an interesting story of adopting GSCM to their organization. In October 2005, Wal-Mart CEO committed the company to 3 goals: to be supplied 100% by renewable energy; to make zero waste; and to sell products that maintain Wal-Marts resources and the situation, and Wal-Mart was launching a business sustainability strategy to considerably reduce the companys impact on the global environment and become the most competitive and innovative company in the world (Plambeck, 2007). In this study, she provide 8 practices occupied with 14 network partner. Barriers of Applying GSCM In (Zhu Cote, Integrating Green Supply Chain into An Embryonic Eco-Industril Development: A Case Study of the Guitang Group, 2004), they studied the addition of green supply in sugar industry. They mention three barriers: maintaining close relations with their main suppliers, obtain a larger market share through opposition with other market share through opposition with other familial sugar refineries by improving product quality and reducing costs, and ensuring the sustainability of their operations including reducing the environmental impact. At the same times, there are some research studied barriers of applying GSCM from suppliers perception. An example of suppliers barrier is (Wycherley, 1999), he conducted a qualitative study on the suppliers barriers of GSCM performance for an environmental-friendly figure products like the Body Shop. Successful Stories Several studies were tentative study about a company succeed in apply GSCM, various in dissimilar industry such as electronics, automobile, furniture, and packaging. An example of Electronics Company is Advanced Micro plans. Advanced Micro Devices (AMD ) wanted to be renowned as a sustainable organization. They required to better mage the risk of a would-be supply chain and work jointly with suppliers to identify option materials and gear to reduce environmental impact. Moreover, they were drove by their customers, investor, and non-governmental organization groups superficially (Trowbridge, 2001). In packaging Industry, results from review showed that green supply chain practice were absolutely related to operational concert. Also, the green supply chain practices were moving the portion of resources amongst 3 types of environmental technologies: pollution anticipation, pollution manages, and management system (Vachon, 2003). Conclusion Studies stress the force on supply chain design to supply products that are environmentally friendly in their source, production, release, usage and disposal. Not just for advertising purposes or green washing. While companies sometimes limit innovation to remote flagship products, benefit their reputation by association, the real brave is to normal them across active product range. Greening the supply chain is an industry issue that will only gain substance over the years to come. Utilising network design, optimisation and planning systems, which include, for instance, carbon footprint consideration, but also source, procurement and end-of-life, will therefore be a vital collaborator in greening the supply chain and provide supply chain executive with a transparent view of the whole supply chain. Although sustainability programs may vary by industry, the essential needs for intelligibility, communication and association are alike.